Possible growfs regression on r280862: Tue Mar 31/PANDABOARD snapshot

Michael Dexter editor at callfortesting.org
Fri Apr 3 19:04:26 UTC 2015

Hello all,

I have been experimenting with the FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r280130: Mon
Mar 16 and FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r280862: Tue Mar 31 and I noticed
that the latter is not running growfs on boot. (It is also not reporting
the system's available memory at boot time.)

Here is my output from r280130 and r280862:

FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r280130: Mon Mar 16 06:34:51 UTC 2015

root at releng2.nyi.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/PANDABOARD arm
iue0: Ethernet address: 42:0c:15:00:00:00
Enlarging root partition
GEOM_PART: mmcsd0s2 was automatically resized.
   Use `gpart commit mmcsd0s2` to save changes or `gpart undo mmcsd0s2`
to revert them.
mmcsd0s2 resized
mmcsd0s2a resized
super-block backups (for fsck_ffs -b #) at:
  1949120, 2436352, 2923584...
Setting hostuuid: 02215211-cba7-11e4-8118-e58c4249bf1a.
Setting hostid: 0xc212dd9c.
No suitable dump device was found.
Starting file system checks:
/dev/mmcsd0s2a: clean, 3656658 free (130 frags, 457066 blocks, 0.0%
Mounting local file systems:.

FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #0 r280862: Tue Mar 31 00:45:03 UTC 2015

root at releng2.nyi.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/arm.armv6/usr/src/sys/PANDABOARD arm
ue0: <USB Ethernet> on smsc0
ue0: Ethernet address: 5a:2c:ff:00:00:00
Setting hostuuid: 91cc1081-d73f-11e4-8683-5bf534257bea.
Setting hostid: 0xe019458d.
No suitable dump device was found.
Starting file system checks:
/dev/mmcsd0s2a: clean, 125217 free (161 frags, 15632 blocks, 0.1%
Mounting local file systems:.

I tried manually growing the filesystem using a memory device and while
the gpart resize went fine, the growfs would not work but I could easily
have the syntax wrong:

[root at pcbsd] root/snapshots# dd
of=/dev/md1 bs=1m
953+1 records in
953+1 records out
1000000000 bytes transferred in 1.397906 secs (715355885 bytes/sec)
[root at pcbsd] /root/snapshots# gpart show md1
=>     63  8388545  md1  MBR  (4.0G)
        63     4095    1  !12  [active]  (2.0M)
      4158  1948967    2  freebsd  (952M)
   1953125  6435483       - free -  (3.1G)

[root at pcbsd] /root/snapshots# gpart resize -i 2 md1
md1s2 resized
[root at pcbsd] /root/snapshots# gpart show md1
=>     63  8388545  md1  MBR  (4.0G)
        63     4095    1  !12  [active]  (2.0M)
      4158  8384450    2  freebsd  (4.0G)

[root at pcbsd] /root/snapshots# growfs /dev/md1s2a
growfs: requested size 952MB is not larger than the current filesystem
size 952MB
[root at pcbsd] /root/snapshots# growfs -s 4G /dev/md1s2a
growfs: requested size 4.0GB is larger than the available 952MB

Any suggestions?


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