CompuLab - FreeScale i.MX6 CPU

Ian Lepore ian at
Thu Mar 6 19:10:55 UTC 2014

On Wed, 2014-03-05 at 15:11 -0800, Pete Wright wrote:
> On 03/04/14 23:17, Özkan KIRIK wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am interested with CompuLab Utilite Standart board. (
> > )
> > I saw that over SVN, FreeBSD has i.MX6 cpu support.
> > What about drivers of this board?
> > 
> > Does HDMI and NICs works?
> > 
> > Can you suggest a cheap and two ethernet arm board that FreeBSD works.
> > 
> hey there Ozkan - I am hacking on getting this working in my minimal
> spare time.  there are a couple major issues i've run into:
> 1) not really full featured u-boot environment, no usb boot support for
> example
> 2) flaky microSD support (had to try out several different cards to find
> a working one from sandisk)
> 3) network stack w/in u-boot has been unstable (unable to tftpboot
> images due to timeouts)
> the board does have some potential though - but it is not plug-and-play
> at this point.  having said that - the up side is there is ton's of
> opportunity to make an impact on getting support for this device working
> in the freebsd-arm community :)
> cheers,
> -pete

It's really strange that you should have such problems with u-boot.  I
don't experience anything like that with the Wanboards, the network and
sdcard support seems solid.  That's both in the u-boot that came with
the boards and in the ones I build myself from source.  The Utilite
u-boot should be using all the same code as the Wandboards for that
stuff, it's all generic imx6 support code with just a few lines of
board-specific stuff in u-boot.

-- Ian

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