Raspberry pi packages

jungleboogie0 jungleboogie0 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 07:13:53 UTC 2014

Hi List,

Thanks to the freeBSD team for working on ARM stuff. It's really exciting
to know that freeBSD can run on x86 hardware and ARM processors. I hope
both platforms continue to succeed well into 2014.

I have a raspberry pi with freebsd 10-current loaded onto it and I'm trying
to find a source for recent packages for pkg. I've installed from source on
a few things, but, as we know, this is time consuming to do. Most of the
package directories I have seen online are from December 2012 to July 2013.
Is there a more recent package repository fro freeBSD arm raspberry pi? I
have not yet used the crochet tool.

Thanks for any assistance with this.


inum: 883510009902611
sip: jungleboogie at sip2sip.info
xmpp: jungle-boogie at jit.si

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