AVILA getting close!

John-Mark Gurney jmg at funkthat.com
Wed Jun 18 22:58:10 UTC 2014

So, w/ the recent couple of patches that alc has provided, I no longer
receive kernel panics on my AVILA board!

$ uname -a
FreeBSD avila.funkthat.com 11.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #27 r267333:267349M: Wed Jun 11 09:57:58 PDT 2014     jmg at carbon.funkthat.com:/usr/obj/arm.armeb/usr/src.avila/sys/AVILA  arm
$ uptime
12:15AM  up 1 day, 15 mins, 2 users, load averages: 0.13, 0.11, 0.08

This survived a portsnap extract...  This is all over NFS...

Though the issue that I'm now having is that some binaries (newsyslog)
and sometimes other binaries (awk, grep) core dump...

I believe this is an issue w/ rtld, or related...  If I compile newsyslog
-static, it works fine...  Otherwise I get a SIGILL, and that is
because it jumps off into the weeds..  Though gdb on arm isn't very

The trouble appears to be when resolving a symbol that hasn't been
called yet...  The trouble starts when newsyslog starts parsing a
line that isn't a comment line and tries to strdup it...  stepi'ing
has me go into
_rtld_bind_start ->
	_rtld_bind ->
		rlock_acquire ->
			thread_mask_set ->
				def_thread_set_flag (via function pointer)
			def_rlock_acquire ->

Turning on rtld's debug doesn't tell me anything I didn't know already:
"memchr" in "libc.so.7" ==> 0x2017af30 in "libc.so.7"
"strdup" in "newsyslog" ==> 0x200cc8b0 in "libc.so.7"
Bus error (core dumped)

I've posted both a gdb log showing the stepi, and my copy of
ld-elf.so.1 to:

Let me know if there is any additional information...


  John-Mark Gurney				Voice: +1 415 225 5579

     "All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not."

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