using GPIO on 10.1-release

Sulev-Madis Silber (ketas) madis555 at
Sun Dec 14 14:04:07 UTC 2014

On 2014-12-13 18:17, René Ladan wrote:
> Op 13 dec. 2014 16:23 schreef "Maxim V FIlimonov" <che at>:
>> On Saturday 13 December 2014 07:05:06 Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> My son is bugging me to teach him something 'cool' on RPi.
>>> I've got 10.1-release working on RPi-B.
>>> I've seen some tutorials on using LEDs via
>>> GPIO, but those are implemented in python
>>> using RPi-GPIO module [1], which doesn't seem to
>>> exist on ports. (Or am I looking in the wrong place?)
>>> Anyway, what is the easiest way to start on
>>> GPIO programming on RPi-B 10.1-release,
>>> preferably using what is available via ports
>>> already?
>> Use gpioctl, it's already in the base system.
> Or look at comms/dcf77pi for some examples in C (in the input.c file)

Or you can still use

If you find examples there too "example-ish", I use it like this:
(pin config part needs rewrite to remove gpioctl exec)
Well, only if you and / or him likes Perl.

There is also new GPIO code somewhere, which supports features like
interrupts. I haven't really seen it or tried to get that working (loos@
& rpaulo@ likely know more). I also don't know about RPi, I only have
BBB which I can say works well and has lot of features, including some
unsupported ones.
Curses per some time period seems higher with RPi. Though, it's cheaper
device... And you already have it.

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