FreeBSD-10-STABLE hangs when booting from BeagleBone Black eMMC

Winston Smith smith.winston.101 at
Tue Apr 29 14:51:05 UTC 2014

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 8:48 PM, Ian Lepore <ian at> wrote:
> Okay, all done.  As of r265071 all the recent ubldr changes have been
> merged to the 10-stable branch and should work to boot eMMC on BBB.
> Unless I missed something, the ubldr in 10-stable should now be the same
> as the one in -current.

Hmmm ... 10-STABLE builds and boots from eMMC, but I'm now running
into a vm_fault when it tries (and fails) to set up the ethernet PHY:

Net:   <ethaddr> not set. Validating first E-fuse MAC
Phy not found
PHY reset timed out

cpsw0: <3-port Switch Ethernet Subsystem> mem 0x4a100000-0x4a103fff
irq 40,41,42,43 on simplebus0
cpsw0: CPSW SS Version 1.12 (0)
cpsw0: Initial queue size TX=128 RX=384
cpsw0: Ethernet address: 90:59:ef:4c:28:d7
cpsw0: Failed to read from PHY.
cpsw0: attaching PHYs failed

vm_fault(0xc07e2ad0, 0, 1, 0) -> 1
Fatal kernel mode data abort: 'Translation Fault (S)'
trapframe: 0xc08e2af0
FSR=00000005, FAR=00000018, spsr=80000093
r0 =c27c8680, r1 =00000000, r2 =00000019, r3 =60000193
r4 =00000000, r5 =c27c8680, r6 =00000006, r7 =c053c8a8
r8 =c27c8680, r9 =c281b28c, r10=c28190c8, r11=c08e2b50
r12=00000000, ssp=c08e2b40, slr=c055a590, pc =c038e374

[ thread pid 0 tid 100000 ]
Stopped at      device_delete_child+0x14:       ldr     r1, [r4, #0x018]

The full bootlog is below.  I'm not entirely sure that this isn't
something I've broken myself (I was messing with the
beaglebone_black.dts file yesterday!), although I thought I had
rebuilt everything properly -- and the same image boots from the SD

Here's the full log:

U-Boot SPL 2013.04 (Apr 29 2014 - 08:26:49)
mmc_send_cmd : timeout: No status update
reading bb-uboot.img
reading bb-uboot.img

U-Boot 2013.04 (Apr 29 2014 - 08:26:49)

I2C:   ready
DRAM:  512 MiB
WARNING: Caches not enabled
Using default environment

musb-hdrc: ConfigData=0xde (UTMI-8, dyn FIFOs, HB-ISO Rx, HB-ISO Tx, SoftConn)
musb-hdrc: MHDRC RTL version 2.0
musb-hdrc: setup fifo_mode 4
musb-hdrc: 28/31 max ep, 16384/16384 memory
USB Peripheral mode controller at 47401000 using PIO, IRQ 0
musb-hdrc: ConfigData=0xde (UTMI-8, dyn FIFOs, HB-ISO Rx, HB-ISO Tx, SoftConn)
musb-hdrc: MHDRC RTL version 2.0
musb-hdrc: setup fifo_mode 4
musb-hdrc: 28/31 max ep, 16384/16384 memory
USB Host mode controller at 47401800 using PIO, IRQ 0
Net:   <ethaddr> not set. Validating first E-fuse MAC
Phy not found
PHY reset timed out
cpsw, usb_ether
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
mmc1(part 0) is current device
SD/MMC found on device 1
reading bb-uEnv.txt
reading bbubldr
251703 bytes read in 37 ms (6.5 MiB/s)
reading bboneblk.dtb
15278 bytes read in 8 ms (1.8 MiB/s)
Booting from mmc ...
## Starting application at 0x88000054 ...
Consoles: U-Boot console
Compatible U-Boot API signature found @9f242240

FreeBSD/armv6 U-Boot loader, Revision 1.2
(root at freebsd, Mon Apr 28 22:09:48 EDT 2014)

MMC Device 2 not found
MMC Device 3 not found
MMC Device 2 not found
Number of U-Boot devices: 3
U-Boot env: loaderdev not set, will probe all devices.
Found U-Boot device: disk
  Probing all disk devices...
  Checking unit=0 slice=<auto> partition=<auto>...MMC Device 2 not found
MMC Device 3 not found
disk0: device open failed with error=2, handle=1

  Checking unit=1 slice=<auto> partition=<auto>... good.
Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf
/boot/kernel/kernel data=0x468f08+0x17d8dc syms=[0x4+0x84b30+0x4+0x501f3]
/boot/kernel/geom_label.ko text=0x50dc data=0x864+0x30

Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
Booting [/boot/kernel/kernel]...
Using DTB provided by U-Boot at address 0x0x80000100.
Kernel entry at 0x80200100...
Kernel args: (null)
KDB: debugger backends: ddb
KDB: current backend: ddb
Copyright (c) 1992-2014 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE #0 r265072: Mon Apr 28 22:05:57 EDT 2014
    root at freebsd:/root/Work/crochet-freebsd/work/obj/arm.armv6/usr/src/FreeBSD-stable-10/sys/BEAGLEBONE
FreeBSD clang version 3.4 (tags/RELEASE_34/final 197956) 20140216
WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
CPU: Cortex A8-r3 rev 2 (Cortex-A core)
 Supported features: ARM_ISA THUMB2 JAZELLE THUMBEE ARMv4 Security_Ext
 WB disabled EABT branch prediction enabled
LoUU:2 LoC:2 LoUIS:1
Cache level 1:
 32KB/64B 4-way data cache WT WB Read-Alloc
 32KB/64B 4-way instruction cache Read-Alloc
Cache level 2:
 256KB/64B 8-way unified cache WT WB Read-Alloc Write-Alloc
real memory  = 536870912 (512 MB)
avail memory = 515538944 (491 MB)
Texas Instruments AM3358 Processor, Revision ES1.1
random device not loaded; using insecure entropy
random: <Software, Yarrow> initialized
simplebus0: <Flattened device tree simple bus> on fdtbus0
aintc0: <TI AINTC Interrupt Controller> mem 0x48200000-0x48200fff on simplebus0
aintc0: Revision 5.0
ti_scm0: <TI Control Module> mem 0x44e10000-0x44e11fff on simplebus0
am335x_prcm0: <AM335x Power and Clock Management> mem
0x44e00000-0x44e012ff on simplebus0
am335x_prcm0: Clocks: System 24.0 MHz, CPU 550 MHz
am335x_dmtimer0: <AM335x DMTimer> mem
irq 66,67,68,69,92,93,94,95 on simplebus0
Timecounter "AM335x Timecounter" frequency 24000000 Hz quality 1000
Event timer "AM335x Eventtimer0" frequency 24000000 Hz quality 1000
gpio0: <TI General Purpose I/O (GPIO)> mem
irq 96,97,98,99,32,33,62,63 on simplebus0
gpioc0: <GPIO controller> on gpio0
gpiobus0: <GPIO bus> on gpio0
uart0: <TI UART (16550 compatible)> mem 0x44e09000-0x44e09fff irq 72
on simplebus0
uart0: console (115384,n,8,1)
ti_edma30: <TI EDMA Controller> mem
irq 12,13,14 on simplebus0
ti_edma30: EDMA revision 40014c00
sdhci_ti0: <TI MMCHS (SDHCI 2.0)> mem 0x48060000-0x48060fff irq 64 on simplebus0
sdhci_ti1: <TI MMCHS (SDHCI 2.0)> mem 0x481d8000-0x481d8fff irq 28 on simplebus0
mmc0: <MMC/SD bus> on sdhci_ti1
cpsw0: <3-port Switch Ethernet Subsystem> mem 0x4a100000-0x4a103fff
irq 40,41,42,43 on simplebus0
cpsw0: CPSW SS Version 1.12 (0)
cpsw0: Initial queue size TX=128 RX=384
cpsw0: Ethernet address: 90:59:ef:4c:28:d7
cpsw0: Failed to read from PHY.
cpsw0: attaching PHYs failed

vm_fault(0xc07e2ad0, 0, 1, 0) -> 1
Fatal kernel mode data abort: 'Translation Fault (S)'
trapframe: 0xc08e2af0
FSR=00000005, FAR=00000018, spsr=80000093
r0 =c27c8680, r1 =00000000, r2 =00000019, r3 =60000193
r4 =00000000, r5 =c27c8680, r6 =00000006, r7 =c053c8a8
r8 =c27c8680, r9 =c281b28c, r10=c28190c8, r11=c08e2b50
r12=00000000, ssp=c08e2b40, slr=c055a590, pc =c038e374

[ thread pid 0 tid 100000 ]
Stopped at      device_delete_child+0x14:       ldr     r1, [r4, #0x018]

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