FreeBSD-10-STABLE hangs when booting from BeagleBone Black eMMC

Winston Smith smith.winston.101 at
Mon Apr 28 19:40:36 UTC 2014

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 10:35 PM, Patrick Kelsey <kelsey at> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 9:28 PM, Ian Lepore <ian at> wrote:
>> If you need 10 we should probably figure out what the problem is there.
>> If the same u-boot works on 11 and fails on 10, then the difference must
>> be in ubldr, and there certainly have been changes there in 11.
>> The quickest way to test that theory would be to build the image for 10
>> and then hand-copy the ubldr from an 11 build onto that sdcard and see
>> if it works.  If so, we can see about merging some ubldr stuff to 10.
>> It may need to go into the msdos partition (I net-boot all my boards).

That works!!!

> The issue with booting from eMMC on 10-STABLE is in ubldr.  On 10-STABLE,
> ubldr is hardwired to boot from the first disk device, which will always be
> the SD card when using a u-boot that has my mmc device enumeration patches
> (or an equivalent).  The changes that Ian and I made to ubldr would have to
> be MFC'd to 10-STABLE to get the behavior you want without resorting to
> copying ubldr built from an 11-CURRENT tree to your device.

I'm not sure what MFC'd means, but yes, could we get this in 10-STABLE?

It's my understanding that 11-CURRENT won't be released for quite some
time, so presumably fixes of this nature would automatically get
backported (MFC'd?) to 10-STABLE?


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