crotchet-freebsd fails to build u-boot (master)

Winston Smith smith.winston.101 at
Sat Apr 19 18:45:56 UTC 2014

On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 5:42 AM, Sulev-Madis Silber (ketas)
<madis555 at> wrote:
> Finally more BBB+eMMC users. I've been running BBB from eMMC for weeks
> now and it's very stable, but on boot, something goes wrong with eMMC
> detection and sometimes network phy fails. Details are in this list
> somewhere. You could test those things, so I'm not alone with this.

I started out with Angstrom on the BBB, got frustrated with that,
switched to Debian which is actually pretty good, but FreeBSD is what
I really want to run on these things!  I haven't had much of a chance
to play around with FreeBSD on this, but good so far!

> I currently also have two U-Boot's, 2013.04 from crochet (using those
> patches there) that gives me eMMC and 2014.01 with some patches from
> this list that gives me 1GHz CPU but no eMMC (fails in ubldr with no
> device found). Also more details in this list.

Yeah, I've seen those emails.  Which 2014.1 repo are you using? ...
the patches in crotchet-freebsd are targeted to 2013.4, so they would
need adapting to either u-boot master, or 2014.4.  Seems like it might
be useful to fork u-boot (at 2014.04) and apply the patches to the
repo so at each [u-boot] release we can just pull/merge the upstream
changes rather than having to mess with patches.

>From the list, it looks like it's significantly faster with newer
u-boot and the 1Ghz patches -- I think the caches are enabled too, I
know with 2013.4 I see the following during boot:

WARNING: Caches not enabled

> The device currently almost fits with my needs. I'm trying to use it in
> my home automation system where several of same or similar boards make
> all sorts of IO available over IP so I could have monitoring and
> control. In this application, 1GHz (and non-scaling?!) CPU isn't really
> needed.
> I found that this board is cheap enough, compared with how much IO it
> has... And it runs FreeBSD! I sometimes encounter people that buy much
> more expensive and less capable hardware for purpose to hack it apart
> and interface with own system. I would rather take something like BBB
> and hack together system I actually need.

That's pretty much what I'm doing ... on this topic, any luck with i2c
on BBB+FreeBSD?

I'm pretty familiar with the Device Tree and device tree overlays on
Linux, it seems like FreeBSD has a monolithic DTB file that it boots
with.  I don't need to load overlays dynamically (as the Linux cape
mgr does), but it would be nice to be able to specify "additional" DTB
files during boot so I don't have to alter the core DTB that
crotchet-freebsd provides.

> Not sure how this will help you, though. I don't even use the any of
> methods you described to build system for it. Instead of that, I use my
> own scripts to make release and upgrade the board over network...
> Other than, maybe... that indeed "sha256.h" appeared in CURRENT at
> revision 263218... But none of my build machines actually run CURRENT.

I'm not entirely sure why u-boot-2013.4 succeeds against 11-CURRENT as
the sha256.h file exists in both.  There must be some difference in
the way it's included (perhaps #include <> vs #include "").  I haven't
really dug into it yet!

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