Raspberry Pi prefetch aborts

Ian Lepore ian at FreeBSD.org
Fri Oct 11 19:10:21 UTC 2013

On Tue, 2013-10-08 at 21:07 -0400, George Mitchell wrote:
> Am I the only one seeing these?
> Fatal kernel mode prefetch abort at 0x4278f502
> trapframe: 0xdd2eafa0, spsr=200000f3
> r0 =00000001, r1 =00000001, r2 =00000001, r3 =c058dbd0
> r4 =c2400000, r5 =00000004, r6 =c05826a0, r7 =c2400308
> r8 =c058d8c8, r9 =c25fd300, r10=c29aa9e4, r11=0004240c
> r12=00000000, ssp=dd2eaff0, slr=c046079c, pc =4278f502
> [ thread pid 27951 tid 100090 ]
> Stopped at      0x4278f502:     address 0x4278f502 is invalid
> *** error reading from address 4278f502 ***
> db> t
> Tracing pid 27951 tid 100090 td 0xc2799c80
> db_trace_self() at db_trace_self
>            pc = 0xc045d3b0  lr = 0xc012c5e8 (db_stack_trace+0xf4)
>            sp = 0xdd2eacc8  fp = 0xdd2eace0
>           r10 = 0xc0542420
> db_stack_trace() at db_stack_trace+0xf4
>            pc = 0xc012c5e8  lr = 0xc012bf54 (db_command+0x264)
>            sp = 0xdd2eace8  fp = 0xdd2ead88
>            r4 = 0x00000000  r5 = 0x00000000
>            r6 = 0xc04b9e26
> db_command() at db_command+0x264
>            pc = 0xc012bf54  lr = 0xc012bcc4 (db_command_loop+0x60)
>            sp = 0xdd2ead90  fp = 0xdd2eada0
>            r4 = 0xc0493b6b  r5 = 0xc04ab7ec
>            r6 = 0xc058bf7c  r7 = 0xdd2eafa0
>            r8 = 0xdd2eafa0  r9 = 0xc0582b24
>           r10 = 0xc0542690
> db_command_loop() at db_command_loop+0x60
>            pc = 0xc012bcc4  lr = 0xc012e6c4 (db_trap+0xdc)
>            sp = 0xdd2eada8  fp = 0xdd2eaec8
>            r4 = 0x00000000  r5 = 0xdd2eadb0
>            r6 = 0xc0582b50
> db_trap() at db_trap+0xdc
>            pc = 0xc012e6c4  lr = 0xc0267be0 (kdb_trap+0xd4)
>            sp = 0xdd2eaed0  fp = 0xdd2eaef0
>            r4 = 0x00000000  r5 = 0x00000000
>            r6 = 0xc0582b50  r7 = 0xdd2eafa0
> kdb_trap() at kdb_trap+0xd4
>            pc = 0xc0267be0  lr = 0xc046e824 (dab_fatal+0x174)
>            sp = 0xdd2eaef8  fp = 0xdd2eaf10
>            r4 = 0xdd2eafa0  r5 = 0x200001d3
>            r6 = 0x4278f502  r7 = 0x00000000
>            r8 = 0xdd2eafa0  r9 = 0xc25fd300
>           r10 = 0xc2981960
> dab_fatal() at dab_fatal+0x174
>            pc = 0xc046e824  lr = 0xc046eb10 ($d)
>            sp = 0xdd2eaf18  fp = 0xdd2eaf98
>            r4 = 0xc2400000  r5 = 0xc2799c80
>            r6 = 0xc05826a0  r7 = 0xc2400308
> $d() at $d
>            pc = 0xc046eb10  lr = 0xc045eb60 (exception_exit)
>            sp = 0xdd2eafa0  fp = 0x0004240c
>            r4 = 0xc2400000  r5 = 0x00000004
>            r6 = 0xc05826a0  r7 = 0xc2400308
>            r8 = 0xc058d8c8  r9 = 0xc25fd300
>           r10 = 0xc29aa9e4
> exception_exit() at exception_exit
>            pc = 0xc045eb60  lr = 0xc046079c (spinlock_exit+0x18)
>            sp = 0xdd2eaff8  fp = 0x0004240c
>            r0 = 0x00000001  r1 = 0x00000001
>            r2 = 0x00000001  r3 = 0xc058dbd0
>            r4 = 0xc2400000  r5 = 0x00000004
>            r6 = 0xc05826a0  r7 = 0xc2400308
>            r8 = 0xc058d8c8  r9 = 0xc25fd300
>           r10 = 0xc29aa9e4 r12 = 0x00000000
> Unable to unwind into user mode
> db>
> The numbers vary, but the list of addresses is always the same.  I do a
> portmaster run, and sometimes it goes all the way through, and sometimes
> I get crashes every five minutes.  The crashes seem somewhat more likely
> to happen during portmaster's dependency checking than at other times,
> and they almost never happen while configuring, compiling, linking,
> or installing is in progress.
> SVN revision r256073M (RPI-B config file modified for serial console).
> Suggestions, please?                                        -- George

Are you the only one seeing these?  Yes, or no, or maybe.  I think
you're the only one seeing it happen on an RPi, from userland.  I've
been working for weeks on a prefetch abort that happens in the kernel
with some similarities in the crash info.  For me it happens before init
is even launched.

I spent much of last week doing ports builds on my rpi, just to try to
get a panic or other trouble.  I had a few ports fail to build for
mundane reasons (complaints about gcc 4.6 and other ports-glitch stuff).
I had other ports build and install just fine.  I haven't tried
portmaster (I wouldn't know how, I've only got a vague idea what it even
is).  I couldn't get a system crash even once (in fact, this may be the
longest my rpi has ever stayed up and running, it's been a couple weeks

I think the crash you're seeing may be happening in the kernel as it
tries to return to userland after an interrupt, in that the backtrace
leads to spinlock_exit, and probably to the line of code in that routine
that re-enables interrupts.  That's part of the signature for the panics
I'm seeing too.

So if this is the same problem I'm chasing, then I'm working on it when
I'm not busy doing $work.  Soon enough, fixing it will become an issue
for $work.  :)

In the future, no need to post a whole backtrace, because it's always
the same.  (Well, if you ever saw one where the exception_exit frame
didn't backlink to spinlock_exit, that would be interesting.)  The crash
info that is most useful for this problem is this register dump block:

Fatal kernel mode prefetch abort at 0x4278f502
> trapframe: 0xdd2eafa0, spsr=200000f3
> r0 =00000001, r1 =00000001, r2 =00000001, r3 =c058dbd0
> r4 =c2400000, r5 =00000004, r6 =c05826a0, r7 =c2400308
> r8 =c058d8c8, r9 =c25fd300, r10=c29aa9e4, r11=0004240c
> r12=00000000, ssp=dd2eaff0, slr=c046079c, pc =4278f502
> [ thread pid 27951 tid 100090 ]
> Stopped at      0x4278f502:     address 0x4278f502 is invalid

Also, next time it happens it might be good to see the output of these
  show all procs
  show proc PID
  show thread TID

where PID and TID are the pid and tid numbers from the end of the
register dump block.

-- Ian

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