Some ideas on Tim's script
George Rosamond
george at
Thu Jan 31 13:38:37 UTC 2013
On 01/31/13 00:14, Tim Kientzle wrote:
> On Jan 30, 2013, at 6:24 AM, George Rosamond wrote:
>> But first, with 8G images, I had to adjust the's SD_SIZE
>> below 7900 for Kingston SD Cards to fit. I can give more specifics
>> if desired. Anyone else experience that?
> I have a bunch of different SD cards around here -- different sizes,
> different manufacturers -- and I think every one is 50MB-100MB
> smaller than the advertised size.
Yes. My point was only to remove potential errors for newer users
running into this (easily resolvable) issue.
>> In terms of /etc/fstab, I think adding tmpfs to the kernel would be
>> useful. Without it, using md(4) for /var/log, /tmp and /var/tmp is
>> certainly a nice way to minimize disk writes.
> How well does this work on a machine with only 256MB RAM?
Been using md for years with Soekris/Alix boards. We're not talking
about huge partitions here, so it shouldn't be an issue.
I'm being more than generous here with space, but:
/tmp -s30m
/var/log -s15m
/var/tmp -s5m
I haven't done port building or any make on the BeagleBone, though. But
it all seems fine with pfSense and their nanoBSD setup.
I have only played around with tmpfs, but I'd imagine that in CURRENT it
should be in good shape.
>> It might also make sense to add rc_debug="YES" and rc_info="YES" to
>> the default /etc/rc.conf. Most users are testing right now, and
>> it's only logical for the pool of people hacking on them.
> I wasn't aware of those options; I'll add them.
> One of my wish-list items is to figure out how to buildkernel with a
> config file stored outside of /usr/src. Then it would be possible to
> have a kernel config as part of the beaglebsd setup files, separate
> from the config in /usr/src that seems to be optimized for kernel
> debugging.
That would be nice.
>> And maybe to add the relevant ntpdate(8) settings to /etc/rc.conf.
> Has anyone tried running ntpdate from devd? So that when/if the
> network interface initializes, ntpdate gets run at that point. That
> would avoid the tedious delay if there's no network at boot time.
not I.
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