disk wait mystery

Brett Wynkoop wynkoop at wynn.com
Wed Jan 30 16:05:31 UTC 2013

On Wed, 30 Jan 2013 12:01:42 +0100
"Ronald Klop" <ronald-freebsd8 at klop.yi.org> wrote:

> Aha. My amd64 has the same. I think the ps man page is not very
> clear. The code src/bin/ps/print.c says this.
>          case SSLEEP:
>                  if (tdflags & TDF_SINTR)        /* interruptable
> (long) */ *cp = k->ki_p->ki_slptime >= MAXSLP ? 'I' : 'S';
>                  else
>                          *cp = 'D';
>                  break;
> No mention about disks. Just an uninterruptible sleep (which can be a
> wait for a disk, but also for other type of
> alarms/interrupts/locks/etc.). So you have waiting kernel
> threads/processes. Which is called 'idle'.
> Ronald.


Thanks for the code snippit.  I should have thought to look at the
sources for ps!  When the documentation fails look at the source.
Silly me!

I appreciate the education on this point!  I wonder if this should be
considered a man page bug?


wynkoop at wynn.com               http://prd4.wynn.com/wynkoop/pgp-keys.txt

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