Raspberry Pi VM tests

Tom Vijlbrief tvijlbrief at gmail.com
Sun Apr 28 07:49:55 UTC 2013

I did some testing to see if I could reproduce the strange killed processes
which I experienced during build world on my 256MB RPI.

I disabled the swap partition on my USB drive and did some testing with the
"stress" program from ports:

stress --vm 1 --vm-bytes 200M --vm-keep

results in dmesg:

pid 664 (stress), uid 1000, was killed: out of swap space

That's logical.

Next I did a

stress --vm 1 --vm-bytes 150M --vm-keep

and a few moments later:

pid 606 (sshd), uid 0: exited on signal 11
pid 610 (cron), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)

This should NOT happen.

Another problem is that i tried a large zmodem upload on the serial console
of a 10MB file.
Minicom and sz on the sending site, rz (from lrzsz from ports) on the
receiving site.

This works, but if I run a compile in another ssh session during the
transfer then the
transfer hangs and the serial console will no longer handle any input.
Killing the
console shell results in a new getty but it cannot receive any input. It's

data > /dev/console does show output however.

I use a kernel from a current tree a few days old.

Can others reproduce these problems?

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