BeagleBone Black

Tim Kientzle kientzle at
Sun Apr 28 06:47:46 UTC 2013

> I have mine now but I think that the USB drivers need an update.  It's not recognized when
> I plug it in.  The last update to uftdi on my box is April 15th.  I'll go check if there's a newer one
> and/or if I need to add a value for the new board.

Just got mine a few minutes ago…

Apparently, the BeagleBone Black lacks the built-in serial to USB adapter that the original BeagleBone had.  Serial is available on a 6-pin header that should work with common 3.3v serial-to-USB adapters.  I'll try it in the morning.

It looks like the 2GB Flash takes the form of an eMMC connected to the second MMC interface.  So it should be straightforward to add support for it.  With 8-bit support, it should be a lot faster than a uSD card.  We'll see.

Past bedtime.  Darn.  ;-)


P.S.  I really hate blue LEDs.  <sigh>

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