bcm2835 i2c support?

Aleksandr Rybalko ray at ddteam.net
Fri Apr 26 08:39:51 UTC 2013

On Fri, 26 Apr 2013 00:17:16 +0000 (UTC)
"G. Paul Ziemba" <pz-freebsd-arm at ziemba.us> wrote:

> Running -current from April 16 on my new RPi. I will be
> connecting a ds1307 real time clock via i2c and hope to
> use it for the system clock.
> I see ds1307 code in the kernel, as well as code for some parts
> of the bcm2835 (yay, I can write to gpio pins with ioctl), but
> not for i2c. Is there work in progress, or should I attempt to
> roll my own?
> thanks,
>  ~!paul
> -- 
> G. Paul Ziemba
> FreeBSD unix:
>  5:36PM  up 9 days,  4:54, 1 user, load averages: 0.89, 0.99, 0.99
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Hi Paul,

IIRC nobody touch i2c controller on BCM2835.
So you have two ways:
1. write own
2. use dev/gpio/gpioiic.c for that, maybe even add FDT binding for
that driver and for GPIO children (to use FDT instead of hints file).


Aleksandr Rybalko <ray at ddteam.net>

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