Net booting current snapshot on openrd and sheevaplug

Jeff Penn jeff at
Wed Apr 10 22:07:13 UTC 2013

This turned out to be an issue with my switches (both 10/100).  Both
systems boot almost without problems using a crossover cable.  The
snapshot version of 10 current is the same that I've used throughout
testing.  The switches work booting i386 9.1-RELEASE and 10 using
net/etherboot as before (I used different hardware to boot 10).  I've
exhausted my supply of hardware combinations.

The only problem I still have diskless booting the sheevaplug is trying
to work out why it fails to create an md for etc and var.  I've seen
this issue before, however the openrd is using the same files to boot.
This is likely to be a config error.


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