Raspberry PI

Oleksandr Tymoshenko gonzo at bluezbox.com
Wed Oct 31 03:40:58 UTC 2012

On 10/30/2012 8:33 PM, Kang Yin Su wrote:
> I have built again kernel from head,  so mmc is working fine. I have few
> questions regarding it:
> 1. hardfp support ready? how?
> 2. I don't see login prompt after bootup, the only way is use ssh. How to
> enable login prompt on syscons/framebuffer?
     Edit /etc/ttys, enable ttyv0 and ttyu0, change ttyu0 type to 
3wire.std115200. It will give
you login prompts on serial console and on syscons. Although USB 
keyboard does not
work due to issue with USB host controller driver, so syscons console is 
useless at the moment.
I'm trying to find and fix the issue.

> 3. Ethernet mac address random change every time boot-up? It may due to
> uboot or firmware issue - apologize if it's OT.
It's FreeBSD problem that requires somewhat wider solution then hacking 
one network driver.

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