Possible fix for Perl failing with ../lib/auto/POSIX/POSIX.so: Undefined symbol "__flt_rounds" on ARM

Jan Sieka jps at semihalf.com
Tue Jun 5 15:09:19 UTC 2012

Hello Ian!

I tried recently to compile and run Perl 5.12 on ARM (SheevaPlug) using
HEAD from 22.05.2012 and got the following error while trying to run:
/usr/ports/lang/perl5.12 # make test
../lib/auto/POSIX/POSIX.so: Undefined symbol "__flt_rounds

After investigating the issue it appeared that __flt_rounds symbol is
not exported by libc. Applying the following patch, recompilling world
and Perl fixed the problem and allowed to use Perl on SheevaPlug:

diff --git a/lib/libc/arm/Symbol.map b/lib/libc/arm/Symbol.map
index e8c7f1d..8cdcdaf 100644
--- a/lib/libc/arm/Symbol.map
+++ b/lib/libc/arm/Symbol.map
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ FBSDprivate_1.0 {
+       __flt_rounds;

Can you comment whether this is a correct solution?

Best regards,

Jan Sieka

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