Support for Raspberry-PI

Bakul Shah bakul at
Mon Jun 4 17:20:59 UTC 2012

On Sun, 03 Jun 2012 13:13:24 PDT Oleksandr Tymoshenko <gonzo at>  wrote:
> FreeBSD for R-Pi is non-existent as of now. The problem with porting -
> there is no way to netboot device. So Alexander Rybalko and I are
> working on U-Boot port for Raspberry-Pi. Once we'll have netboot option
> thighs should go much faster.

I haven't tried this yet but presumably you can NFS mount your
kernel dev system and just kexec() the freebsd kernel (or
netboot!) from linux...  This may be a good short term path.
Also note that someone has got jtag working.  You do have to
solder a wire on the S5 connector to make it work (& voiding
your warranty)! See

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