arm/158950: arm/sheevaplug fails fsx when mmap operations are enabled

Kristof Provost kristof at
Wed Apr 25 09:20:13 UTC 2012

The following reply was made to PR arm/158950; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Kristof Provost <kristof at>
To: bug-followup at
Subject: Re: arm/158950: arm/sheevaplug fails fsx when mmap operations are
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 11:15:17 +0200

 The sample program above has the following output:
 root at openrd:/mnt# /bin/kp
 After mmap: offset 32 is 0, not 32 as expected
 After mmap: offset 33 is 0, not 33 as expected
 After mmap: offset 34 is 0, not 34 as expected
 After mmap: offset 61 is 0, not 61 as expected
 After mmap: offset 62 is 0, not 62 as expected
 After mmap: offset 63 is 0, not 63 as expected
 After mmap: offset 224 is 0, not 96 as expected
 After mmap: offset 225 is 0, not 97 as expected
 That's confirmed by hexdump-ing the test.img file afterwards.
 I'm also able to reproduce the problem described in arm/162159. You're
 probably right about the relation.
 The problem looks very similar too: 32-byte sections that are 0 rather
 than the expected values.

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