HEADSUP: FDT phandle change. [svn commit: r226466]

richo richo at psych0tik.net
Tue Oct 18 02:04:13 UTC 2011

On 17/10/11 19:21 +0530, Jayachandran C. wrote:
>I have committed this revision that changes the way phandle is
>represented for FDT.  The old representation was a pointer,  which
>would not work on 64bit - and the new representation is as an offset.
>This should not affect the FDT users, but if there is any breakage on
>ARM or PPC due to this please let me know.

I can test on ppc tonight, is there anything specific I need to test, or just
build world+kernel and confirm that it boots?

richo || Today's excuse: 

Someone set us up the bomb.
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