GlobalScale DreamPlug + FreeBSD 8.2 release

Matthieu Kraus matthieu.kraus at
Sat Oct 1 10:24:59 UTC 2011

Quoting Naoyuki Tai <ntai at>:

> On Fri, 30 Sep 2011 11:32:53 -0400, Matthieu Kraus  
> <matthieu.kraus at> wrote:
>> I've been playing around a bit with FreeBSD on the Dreamplug during
>> the last few days and had some issues as well, however here's what I
>> got so far:
>> first I didn't manage to get it to work with a dynamic fdt, so you'll
>> need a static one (see attachment).
>> second I found a somewhat customized and pretty stripped kernel config
>> more useful, so I'll attach mine as well to give you some guidance.
> Unfortunately, you are using
> include "../mv/kirkwood/std.dreamplug"
> so it's kinda hard to tell what the config ends up.

actually that's a little left-over - just use std.db88f6xxx, my  
std.dreamplug is a plain copy I created while starting to customize my  

> Do you use ZFS?
> I'm new to ZFS (I finally installed one) and the docs recommend
> at least 1GB of physical memory which DreamPlug does not have.
> So, I'm staying away from ZFS. If you have anything to share
> about zfs on DreamPlug, it would be great.

yes, I'm using zfs with some tweaks (disabling zil, etc. (see zfs evil  
tuning guide)), however I didn't test it's functionality during heavy  
load, yet.

also zfs requires a little patching as stated in the zfs thread on  
this ml (you need to add a file to files.arm and tweak the cpuvar.h of  
opensolaris (unlike the proposed hack I just undef'd cpu_id in the  
solaris cpuvar.h prior to defining it)

>> finally for booting on the plug:
>> there are basically two options here:
>> first is to boot via go as you already tried
>> second (which I find nicer) is to use mkimage from the ports
>> collection to create an image file uboot can read which should be
>> issues like this:
>> mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 900000 -e 900000 -n
>> "FreeBSD" -d kernel.bin image_name
>> or if you have a compressed kernel:
>> mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C gzip -a 900000 -e 900000 -n
>> "FreeBSD" -d kernel.bin.gz image_name
>> if you go for the image, you can use the default boot options as
>> guidance (just load the image at 640000 or whatever and boot it -
>> it'll be moved to the prroper place and executed there)
>> note that -O linux isn't required - e.g. -O netbsd works as well -
>> however -O FreeBSD doesn't work as u-boot recognizes it, but doesn't
>> have a bootcmd implemented for it.
> Nice.
> Can I do this on intel machine?

Yes, you can do this on any machine.

>> following that I got most things to work so far (except libertas chip
>> in ap mode as that one is lacking a proper driver - especially an sdio
>> one).
>> RlyDontKnow
> As far as I understand, this wifi hardware is same as the OLPC XO
> wifi, and the linux driver does exit but not FreeBSD.
> # I have no interest in wifi part of DreamPlug.

yes, there's a linux driver available - actually two:
libertas_sdio (mainline linux) for managed mode and uap8xxx  
( for  
infrastructure mode

finally something I forgot to state yesterday: I'm using 9.0-CURRENT  
rather than 8.2-RELEASE which has a few fixes for some problems iirc  
(e.g. mount rootfs waits till usb is all done)

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