Beagleboard stuff

Mark Tinguely marktinguely at
Tue Mar 29 15:06:25 UTC 2011

On 3/29/2011 8:18 AM, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 March 2011 13:27:33 Mark Murray wrote:
>> Hi *
>> I'm keen "go embedded". I have a Beagleboard-xM, and I haven't had the
>> time I'd like to do much with it.
>> A fellow called Ben Gray has done some of the work to get FreeBSD
>> working on this unit, but used FreeBSD-8 as a base. I've taken his
>> work and made it compile on current (mostly). He had some hacks
>> (beagle_brintf, beagle_panic etc) which I've removed, along with some
>> stuff (that may have broken things) in PMAP.
>> The diffs are in
>> Is this of any use? :-)
>> M
> The USB EHCI support looks OK. Does this hardware have an OHCI?
> --HPS
> _______________________________________________

The OMAP35xx supports an "On the Go", OHCI and ECHI USB, but the 
Beagleboard does not use the OHCI.


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