[patch] Fix for named(8) on OpenRD

Romain Tartière romain at FreeBSD.org
Mon Nov 1 12:14:32 UTC 2010


I have a long-standing issue I fixed locally but might interest OpenRD
users (and probably SheevaPlug users and maybe even more) to fix

Basically, named(8) crashes at startup.  I searched this list archives
and found 2-3 interesting posts with partial fixes, and merging-up them
all together I got a patch [1] that allowed named(8) to start and run.

For various reasons, I had not the time to test it extensively: I saw it
worked, tested it ~5mn and rebooted on another FreeBSD system on the
device because it provides some services I depend on and downtime is a

However, I am not filling-in a PR right now because:
  - I have no knowledge of ARM assembler and have basically no idea
    about how the fix does it's job;
  - I have not enough knowledge about ARM to say if this fix will break
    other ARM based systems or not.

I guess there are people on the list who will have the expertise I am
lacking in this area.

Thanks you for your feedback!


  1. http://people.freebsd.org/~romain/openrd-named.diff

Romain Tartière <romain at FreeBSD.org>  http://people.FreeBSD.org/~romain/
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