Performance of SheevaPlug on 8-stable

Maks Verver maksverver at
Fri Mar 12 18:06:26 UTC 2010

On 03/10/2010 04:53 PM, Rafal Jaworowski wrote:
> Mark, Can you confirm this worsening over time happens with a fresh
> (from scratch) kernel build (with Mark T. patch applied)? Please
> provide the scenario / steps which lead to this behaviour.

Was this directed at me? If so, I've rebuilt the distribution from
CURRENT sources (previously, I used 8-STABLE with some patches applied)
which I believe includes Mark Tinguely's patches.

With these patches, the problem doesn't occur for tests that I run
immediately after booting. However, if I create a new binary (either by
recompiling, which is what I did before, or simply by copying, as I
found out) then this new binary executes slowly:

elysium# time ./test
9.000u 0.000s 0:09.07 99.6%     40+1324k 1+0io 0pf+0w
elysium# cp test test2
elysium# time ./test2
287.000u 0.000s 4:48.54 99.5%   40+1322k 0+0io 0pf+0w

9 seconds is still slower than it should be (Linux runs this test
program in 5.4 s) but this may well be a completely separate issue.

I also added the KASSERT line that Mark Tinguely suggested, but I forgot
to enable the INVARIANT option when rebuilding the kernel. I'll have to
get back to you on that one.

Kind regards,
Maks Verver.

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