Performance of SheevaPlug on 8-stable

Maks Verver maksverver at
Mon Mar 8 23:50:40 UTC 2010

On 03/08/2010 07:19 PM, Mark Tinguely wrote:
> Could you do this instead:
> <code>
> This would give counts to make sure there is not a logic error in fix_cache.

I tried this (adding initialization of the flag variable) and the
problem is triggered with (at least) these values:

  kwritable uwritable kentries uentries
      1         0        1        0
      1         0        1        1
      0         1        0        1
      1         0        1        2

The 1/0/1/1 case appears most frequently. Why executable pages are ever
mapped writable in user-space, I don't know. It's useful for
generated/self-modifying code obviously, but I would not expect any of
the standard tools or libraries to rely on that.

 - Maks Verver.

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