RM9200 tuning
Bernd Walter
ticso at cicely7.cicely.de
Mon Mar 8 23:38:33 UTC 2010
On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 04:06:22PM -0700, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> In message: <20100308225420.GB19800 at cicely7.cicely.de>
> Bernd Walter <ticso at cicely7.cicely.de> writes:
> : On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 02:38:50PM -0800, Stanislav Sedov wrote:
> : > On Mon, 8 Mar 2010 22:32:57 +0100
> : > Bernd Walter <ticso at cicely7.cicely.de> mentioned:
> : >
> : > > Well I still don't use a real loader, just the plain bootcode.
> : > > I would be very happy to switch to loader(8) with FICL, tuneables and
> : > > bootpromt.
> : > > Is it possible to do today?
> : > > I was with Warner using my elfbuild hardware for the first time when he
> : > > did the first steps on RM9200.
> : > > Therefor I'm probably still using obsolete old quick and dirty hacks.
> : > > If loader(8) can be used now it is the first thing I will change before
> : > > trying anything else.
> : >
> : > I belive it should be pretty easy to port ubldr(8) to support AT91 as raj@ made it
> : > working on the Marverll ARM platform. I'm not sure which details should be
> : > reimplemented, though, but from what I seen it should be quite a little work
> : > required.
> : >
> : > I'm just using plain uboot loading direclty from flash without Atmel 1st level
> : > loader and then use uboot to load FreeBSD kernel/pass hints and kenv variables.
> : > I think I posted the relevant code a couple of times to the list, but maybe it
> : > really makes more sense to port loader(8) instead as my code isn't going to make
> : > it into the official uboot distribution.
> :
> : The ability to configure kenv variables is a big win.
> : I'm using sys/boot/arm/at91/boot2 from spiflash instead of uboot, which
> : directly starts the kernel.
> : The kernel has ugly hardcoded things, such as rootdev and hints.
> : There is already a good amount of support for loader(8) in libat91
> : so it shouldn't be too hard to do.
> : I may give it a try after finishing some other projects.
> I have an 8MB SPI flash on one of my boards... Maybe I should get
> /boot/loader support going with it.. as well as the different
> GEOM_FOO partioning schemes... Certainly would make a certain local
> company interested...
I just thought about boot2 retrieving loader from SD instead of
But you are probably right to retrieve the loader from flash instead.
boot2 with UFS support is already too big for AT91 with just 8k SRAM.
A boot2 with just flash support would be much smaller and loader then
can switch between netboot and such, which currently has to be hardcoded
to keep the size down.
My boards usually have AT45DB161D (some early boards have 321C) chips.
Considered the loader size on i386 this should fit.
I remeber you also worked with boards booting from I2C flash?
B.Walter <bernd at bwct.de> http://www.bwct.de
Modbus/TCP Ethernet I/O Baugruppen, ARM basierte FreeBSD Rechner uvm.
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