FreeBSD EABI ARM & Network boot image howto?

M. Warner Losh imp at
Sun Aug 15 14:57:02 UTC 2010

In message: <1281869630.24339.63.camel at>
            John Nicholls <john at> writes:
: Special thanks to Yohanes Nugroho & Greg Ansley for the fantastic work
: they have done with the FreeBSD port to the AT91SAM9G20. Great to see
: FreeBSD gaining more traction in the embedded World :)
: I have a couple of questions,
: (1) I noticed a significant performance boost under Linux when Linux ARM
: moved to EABI, are there any plans for a EABI FreeBSD version?

People have talked about it, but so far nothing concrete has been
done, to my knowledge.

: (2) I can build a Linux image which contains the Kernel and a root file
: system in one file which is great for network booting, can I do
: something similar with FreeBSD?

Yes.  You can add MD_ROOT and MD_ROOT_SIZE to your kernel config
file.  MD_ROOT_SIZE sets the size of the ram disk.  You can build an
image from a directory tree using makefs.  You can use
sys/tools/ into the image.

Much of this can be automated with the MFS_IMAGE makeoption on arm.


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