[ARM+NFS] panic while copying across NFS

Mark Tinguely tinguely at casselton.net
Fri Oct 23 16:41:25 UTC 2009

>  On Oct 23, 2009, at 8:22 AM, Mark Tinguely wrote:
>  > 3) pmap.c: PVF_REF is used to invalidate cache and flush tlb. PVF_REF
>  >   is set by a trap when the page is really use. kernel pages should
>  >   assume it is immediately used.
>  This causes problems for me, so I don't think this is quite right.
>  FYI,
>  -- 
>  Marcel Moolenaar
>  xcllnt at mac.com

Thank-you for the information. Hmmm, how odd. I will give that some thought.

To everyone else, I read my last post and a big sorry for incomplete sentences.
It was just a quick list of things that could be changed to streamline the
machine dependant portion of the code.

 --Mark Tinguely.

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