ARM atomic question

Olivier Houchard mlfbsd at
Tue Mar 24 14:26:18 PDT 2009

Hi Mark,

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 04:05:51PM -0500, Mark Tinguely wrote:
> I am rewriting the existing ARM atomic instruction for the new ldrex/strex
> in the ARMv6 architecture. 

That's great. I really want to get armv6 support.

> I have 3 questions for atomic_fetchadd_32():
> #ifdef KERNEL
> static __inline uint32_t
> atomic_fetchadd_32(volatile uint32_t *p, uint32_t v)
> {
>         uint32_t value;
>         __with_interrupts_disabled(
>         {
>                 value = *p;
>                 *p += v;
>         });
>         return (value);
> }
> #else /* !_KERNEL */
> static __inline uint32_t
> atomic_fetchadd_32(volatile uint32_t *p, uint32_t v)
> {
>         uint32_t start, ras_start = ARM_RAS_START;
>         __asm __volatile("1:\n"
>             "adr        %1, 1b\n"
>             "str        %1, [%0]\n"
>             "adr        %1, 2f\n"
>             "str        %1, [%0, #4]\n"
>             "ldr        %1, [%2]\n"
> 	1) how does this make it atomic? no one reads ras_start or ras_end
> 	   to verify that it has not changed since I set it. This applies
> 	   to all non-kernel atomic commands.

It is done by the kernel, when a trap occurs. They are issues with that
code, though, which should be worked on.

>             "add        %1, %1, %3\n"
> 			^^
> 	2) start is now (*p + v) not *p. It will return the wrong value
> 	   compared to the kernel version.

True, that's a bug.

>             "str        %0, [%2]\n"
> 			^^
> 	3) *p is assigned the ras_start address.

Another bug. Guess we've been lucky not to run into it. Thanks !

>             "2:\n"
>             "mov        %3, #0\n"
>             "str        %3, [%0]\n"
>             "mov        %3, #0xffffffff\n"
>             "str        %3, [%0, #4]\n"
>             : "+r" (ras_start), "=r" (start), "+r" (p), "+r" (v)
>             : : "memory");
>         return (start);
> #endif
> 4) Is there a list of atomic commands that should be implemented?

All those described in atomic(9) (except 64bits operations).



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