Atmel at91sam9261-ek support.

Sylvestre Gallon ccna.syl at
Tue Mar 24 13:40:50 PDT 2009

> Sure.  I was going to try some of it, but my time is limited...  I
> also have a AT91SAM926x board of some ilk that I'd love to get
> going...

Thanks a lot for your time and your help :)

> I think something like this could be useful, so long as there's a
> well-defined set of tasks/goals for the project.  Even more so if
> there are design patterns or areas for code-reuse that could be
> identified.  I guess I'd be able to mentor as well, but I'd want to
> see more details on the plan before pushing for its inclusion.

I will try to think on the differents tasks/goals that should be
interesting for this project and submit it to this mailing list :)

Sylvestre Gallon (
Fifth Grade Student @ Epitech & Researcher @ LSE
R&D @ Rathaxes (

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