Atmel at91sam9261-ek support.

M. Warner Losh imp at
Mon Mar 23 20:40:22 PDT 2009

In message: <8BC7AFF2-E0E1-4498-82E8-29C3F64C5E2E at>
            Arnar Mar Sig <antab at> writes:
: >  - a new smc driver (static memory controller)
: Looks like the at91sam9261 uses the same SMC core as at32ap700x, we  
: should look into using the same driver for both archs. I already have  
: at32_smc in p4 to do bus managment and attach childs but no setup code  

Part of the problem here is going to be each SoC is going to have a
different set of errata for the silicon....


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