Quick into on the existing products

Stanislav Sedov stas at FreeBSD.org
Wed Apr 9 13:53:49 UTC 2008

On Wed, 09 Apr 2008 16:21:54 +0300
Carabut Nicolae <cnicolae at mm-sol.com> mentioned:

> Sorry,
> by prpducts I mean anything that uses these boards or where I can use 
> them and what can be done with them.
> So basically I'm trying to introduce my self ont the embedded world with 
> freebsd so I need some pointers to start from.
> Let's say I want to build a custom device that resembles a smarthone, 
> can I do that ? what about the touch screen ? etc ...
> Where I can get examples of model of hoe to develop, some kind of 
> products - not necessarily commecrial - that uses some
> of the boards/chips enumerated on that page.
> Examples how they were implemented etc ...

You can take a look at openmoko project (http://www.openmoko.org/)
for example of pretty successful opensource smartphone project.
They use Linux as operating systems but it shouldn't be pretty
hard to port FreeBSD on it (the cpu core itself is already
supported by FreeBSD), and the work was going to bring FreeBSD
on it AFAIK.

The hard part will be to implement drivers for various peripheral
devices like keypad, LCD screen, codecs, etc. Currently FreeBSD
don't support any LCD screen controllers or keypads as far as I

Stanislav Sedov

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