Can't boot FreeBSD-7.0 on KB920C

Warner Losh imp at BSDIMP.COM
Tue Nov 6 09:41:45 PST 2007

From: "Юрий Бурак" <jack.avenger at>
Subject: Can't boot FreeBSD-7.0 on KB920C
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 18:47:57 +0200

> Hi, I'm trying to boot FreeBSD-current of KB920C, but kernel can't detect SD
> card. Here is boot log:
> ## Starting application at 0x20000000 ...
> KDB: debugger backends: ddb
> KDB: current backend: ddb
> Copyright (c) 1992-2007 The FreeBSD Project.
> Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
>         The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
> FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
> FreeBSD 7.0-BETA1 #2: Thu Oct 25 23:23:04 EEST 2007
>     root at
> CPU: ARM920T rev 0 (ARM9TDMI core)
>   DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT
>   16KB/32B 64-way Instruction cache
>   16KB/32B 64-way write-back-locking-A Data cache
> real memory  = 67108864 (64 MB)
> avail memory = 61952000 (59 MB)
> atmelarm0: <AT91 device bus> on motherboard
> at91_st0: <ST> mem 0xdffffd00-0xdffffdff irq 1 on atmelarm0
> at91_st0: watchdog registered, timeout intervall max. 64 sec
> at91_pio0: <PIOA> mem 0xdffff400-0xdffff5ff irq 1 on atmelarm0
> at91_pio0: ABSR: 0x60 OSR: 0 PSR:0x3f380000 ODSR: 0
> at91_pio0: [FILTER]
> at91_pio1: <PIOB> mem 0xdffff600-0xdffff7ff irq 1 on atmelarm0
> at91_pio1: ABSR: 0xff301 OSR: 0x2 PSR:0x3fc00cfe ODSR: 0
> at91_pio1: [FILTER]
> at91_pio2: <PIOC> mem 0xdffff800-0xdffff9ff irq 1 on atmelarm0
> at91_pio2: ABSR: 0 OSR: 0x1000000a PSR:0xffffc075 ODSR: 0x10000000
> at91_pio2: [FILTER]
> at91_pio3: <PIOD> mem 0xdffffa00-0xdffffbff irq 1 on atmelarm0
> at91_pio3: ABSR: 0 OSR: 0 PSR:0xfffffff ODSR: 0
> at91_pio3: [FILTER]
> at91_pmc0: <PMC> mem 0xdffffc00-0xdffffcff irq 1 on atmelarm0
> at91_pmc0: Primary: 10000000 Hz PLLA: 180 MHz CPU: 180 MHz MCK: 60 MHz
> at91_mci0: <MCI mmc/sd host bridge> mem 0xdffb4000-0xdffb7fff irq 10 on
> atmelarm0
> at91_mci0: [ITHREAD]
> mmc0: <mmc/sd bus> on at91_mci0
> at91_twi0: <TWI> mem 0xdffb8000-0xdffbbfff irq 12 on atmelarm0
> at91_twi0: [ITHREAD]
> iicbus0: <Philips I2C bus> on at91_twi0
> setting cwgr to 0x1a4a4
> iicbus0: <unknown card> at addr 0
> iic0: <I2C generic I/O> on iicbus0
> icee0: <I2C EEPROM> at addr 0xa0 on iicbus0
> ate0: <EMAC> mem 0xdffbc000-0xdffbffff irq 24 on atmelarm0
> ate0: No MAC address setdevice_attach: ate0 attach returned 6
> uart0: <DBGU> mem 0xdffff200-0xdffff3ff irq 1 on atmelarm0
> uart0: [FILTER]]=9M=19uart1: <USART0> mem 0xdffc0000-0xdffc3fff irq 6 on
> atmelarm0
> uart1: [FILTER]
> uart2: <USART1> mem 0xdffc4000-0xdffc7fff irq 7 on atmelarm0
> uart2: [FILTER]
> uart3: <USART2> mem 0xdffc8000-0xdffcbfff irq 8 on atmelarm0
> uart3: [FILTER]
> uart4: <USART3> mem 0xdffcc000-0xdffcffff irq 9 on atmelarm0
> uart4: [FILTER]
> at91_spi0: <SPI> mem 0xdffe0000-0xdffe3fff irq 13 on atmelarm0
> at91_spi0: [ITHREAD]
> spibus0: <spibus bus> on at91_spi0
> ohci0: <AT91 integrated ohci controller> mem 0xdfe00000-0xdfefffff irq 23 on
> atmelarm0
> ohci0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
> ohci0: [ITHREAD]
> usb0: OHCI version 1.0
> usb0 on ohci0
> usb0: USB revision 1.0
> uhub0: <Atmel OHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usb0
> uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
> Cannot get 100 Hz clock; using 100Hz
> at91_st0: [FILTER]
> Timecounter "AT91RM9200 timer" frequency 32768 Hz quality 1000
> Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
> mmc0: setting transfer rate to 30.000MHz
> Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/mmcsd0s1a
> Manual root filesystem specification:
>   <fstype>:<device>  Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype>
>                        eg. ufs:/dev/da0a
>   ?                  List valid disk boot devices
>   <empty line>       Abort manual input
> mountroot>
> So I have several qestions:
> 1. Which types (and sizes) of memory cards support FreeBSD ?

All SD cards are supported, even the 4GB ones.  The SDHC cards are not
supported at this time.  No MMC cards are supported at thsi time.
Your boot loader must configure the MCI device's pins correctly.  I
had been lead to believe this was a requirement for Linux to boot.
Alternatively, you need to hack FreeBSD's init code to do this.  The
Atmel support code we have needs some clean up in this area to make it
easier to add additional boards.

> 2. I loaded kernel via Uboot, can FreeBSD work correctly in this case or I
> need set some additional parameters in Uboot (if yes - how and where)?

It should work.  I've not ever done so, however.

> 3. Kernel can't detect my PHY (LTX972C) - how to solve this problem?

Your boot loader must configure these pins correctly, or your board
init routine must do so.  I had been lead to believe this was a
requirement for Linux as well.


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