4-bit SD Card mode

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Thu Jun 7 15:38:45 UTC 2007

In message: <64329.2001:6f8:101e:0:20e:cff:fe6d:6adb.1181214774.squirrel at webmail.alpha-tierchen.de>
            Björn_König <bkoenig at alpha-tierchen.de> writes:
: Bernd schrieb:
: > I have a 4bit patch available, but it's not running stable on my
: > hardware [...]
: Can you send this patch to me please? I'd like to have a closer look at it.

If you come up with something that works, we can get it into the
tree.  I have on my dance card some time to optimize SD performance,
but it isn't until august...


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