Olivier Houchard
mlfbsd at ci0.org
Wed May 31 14:04:39 PDT 2006
On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 08:41:17PM +0300, Max N. Boyarov wrote:
> >>>>> "OH" == Olivier Houchard writes:
> OH> On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 08:06:40PM +0300, Max N. Boyarov wrote:
> >>
> >> >>>>> "OH" == Olivier Houchard writes:
> >>
> >> OH> On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 07:21:21PM +0300, Max N. Boyarov wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> Hi!
> >> >>
> >> >> What document should I read in order to understand
> >> >> how to calculate the defines that are used in i80321reg.h ?
> >> >>
> >>
> >> OH> Hi Max,
> >> Hi Olivier,
> >> OH> I'm not sure I understand the question. However, those most of those values
> >> OH> come from the Intel 80321 I/O Processor developer's manual, available here :
> >> OH> http://www.intel.com/design/iio/manuals/273517.htm
> >>
> >> Sorry for my english :). I meant, I do not know how freebsd works with virtual
> >> memory, i.e. what address range is used for user applications, where kernel resides.
> >> What would you recommend to read about that? Just for education purposes :) My concern
> >> is 80321 xcale port only (not generic).
> >>
> OH> No worries, my english isn't better :)
> OH> Unfortunately I'm not sure there's something explaining this beside the code
> OH> itself, so I'm gonna try to answer.
> OH> Most of this is the same for every arm port, including the 80321.
> OH> The interesting #define are mostly in sys/arm/include/vmparam.h
> OH> * The line between user space and kernel space
> OH> * Mappings >= KERNEL_BASE are constant across all processes
> OH> */
> OH> #define KERNBASE 0xc0000000
> OH> So generally speaking, whatever is >= 0xc0000000 is kernelland, whatever is <
> OH> is userland.
> OH> In arm/xscale/iq31244_machdep.c (which should be usable for every i80321
> OH> port, and thus has an unaccurate name), we map 0xfe800000 (IQ80321_OBIO_BASE),
> OH> physical == virtual, to be able to use the UART early,
> OH> then we use the virtual address 0xfe400000 (IQ80321_IOW_VBASE) to map the ATU
> OH> stuff and the CPU registers.
> OH> I'm still not sure I properly answer to your question:) Feel free to ask
> OH> for more.
> Many thanks, I shall continue to experiments with i80219 :)
I'm very interested in i80219 support but have no hardware, please make me
know how it goes, I'd be more than happy to provide help.
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