ARM5 (?) - PXA255

David Witten wittend at
Thu Jan 19 20:02:58 PST 2006

For what it is worth, I would really like to be able to run FreeBSD on 
the Gumstix boards.

In case someone's not familiar with them, they are PXA255 boards (at 
present) with 6 or 16 MB flash, 64Mb SRAM, a MMC Flash card socket, USB, 
I2C, SPI, and UARTS.  Very inexpensive add-ons for robotics, WiFi, 
ethernet and other good stuff are available as well.  Essentially a 200 
or 400MHz PDA on an 20mm x 80 mm board (like a stick of gum). The least 
expensive board is < $100 US.

Boards based on a more recent Intel PDA processors are reportedly due 
this spring, but the PXA255 is a well established processor.

These come with Linux, but much of my other work is with BSD, and I 
would really prefer to stick with one OS.  I have several of these 
things and they are fun, but I always have a nagging feeling that I am 
diluting my efforts by diddling with the Linux drivers when my real 
interest is in BSD.

I would also really like to have an ARM7 port, probably something that 
could run on the Olimex LPC-H2294 board ($99 US) that has 16k + 1Mb SRAM 
  and 256k + 4Mb Flash.

Is either of these projects feasible, and is there anyone out there who 
has done work in either of these directions?

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