adding a sysctl man section

Robert Clausecker fuz at
Thu Feb 11 00:18:50 UTC 2021

Why not add these to section 7 instead?  The section is sparsely
populated as is and those names with lots of dots in them are
unlikely to collide.

On second thought, no collisions would occur in section 4 either
it seems.  And since most of the links would go to section 4 anyway...

Robert Clausecker

Am Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 04:15:05PM -0800 schrieb John-Mark Gurney:
> Inspired by:
> I realized that we could/should create a new sysctl section.  My initial
> thought was section s, but I'd be open for other recommendations.
> Then, any page that describes a sysctl, would add an MLINK to it:
> MLINK+= xhci.4 hw.usb.xhci.debug.s
> This section would be added to the default search, and then users
> would simply be able to type: man <sysctl> and get directed to the
> page that has information about it.
> Any objections?
> -- 
>   John-Mark Gurney				Voice: +1 415 225 5579
>      "All that I will do, has been done, All that I have, has not."
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