[HEADSUP] Disallowing read() of a directory fd

Chris bsd-lists at BSDforge.com
Sat May 16 21:42:57 UTC 2020

On Sat, 16 May 2020 13:28:32 -0500 Kyle Evans kevans at freebsd.org said

> On Sat, May 16, 2020 at 12:59 PM Julian H. Stacey <jhs at berklix.com> wrote:
> >
> > Kyle Evans wrote:
> > > [... snip ...]
> > > That said, I've written a MAC policy that can live atop the current
> > > patch to lift all of the restrictions except the sysctl needing to be
> > > set: https://people.freebsd.org/~kevans/mac-read_dir.diff -> I could
> > > even be convinced fairly easily to commit it, if you'd find that
> > > acceptable. The policy ends up looking generically useful, as you can
> > > lift just the jail root restriction or you can allow any user to cat a
> > > directory.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Kyle Evans
> >
> > Thanks,
> > It's good if its all sysctl without reboot, (taking (phk's I recall) point
> > about an fs not surviving a reboot)
> >
> Yup- assuming you're not in the perhaps rare situation where you both
> need this *and* you can't get the kmod loaded, it's all sysctl-based.
> > It sounds useful, if it allows 3 or is that more ? way choice between eg
> > {old v. new} x { root v. non root } x { inside a jail v. outside } = 8 ?
> >
> It's not quite that flexible because this is harder to capture, it
> allows three different possibilities:
> - New behavior
> - Old behavior
> - Middle ground, where unprivileged users can't `cat .` but jail root can
> #3 was thrown in because I suspect someone somewhere may not
> necessarily care for preservation of any old users' capability to do
> this, but for those systems where the previously cited 'jail root is
> root' is true (since I think we agree that that can be the case, but
> often isn't).
> > If all of that, I guess we'd just be down to a relaxed consideration about
> > what default mode was for now & later.
> >
> > If there was change there, we'd need to check what policy is about giving
> > advance notice of changes in RELNOTES.
> >
> > If RELNOTES required long notice than wanted , that could be worked round
> > easily by implementing code, & merely issuing notice that defaults would
> > change to new policy later at releasese x.y.
> >
> Here's how this breaks down; these steps haven't been included in the
> review thus far because I often just assume that it's clear this will
> happen:
> - UPDATING: Users of 13.0-CURRENT will receive notice via UPDATING
> that this is changing, along with mention of the MAC policy to return
> to the legacy behavior. Some bumps of this nature are to be expected
> amongst -CURRENT, and this is how we communicate them to those
> following along at home.
> - RELNOTES: This will definitely be included in the 13.0 relnotes. I'm
> tentatively planning to MFC some of the functionality
> (security.bsd.allow_read_dir but with a default of 1 to preserve
> branch behavior) to allow users of stable/12 to turn it off and get
> the 13.0 behavior earlier if they want or see if it breaks any of
> their stuff, which I will try and use as a vector to get the future
> default change into the 12.2 release notes as well so that there's
> plenty of advance notice. I suspect re@ will happily include it, given
> the history.
> > I took a quick glance at
> > https://people.freebsd.org/~kevans/mac-read_dir.diff but I'm sorry
> > loads of real life distraction h These kinds of bumps are to be expectedere.
> > I'm sure others will want t
> > read it. Thanks for working hard to cater for all cases ! :-)
> >
> This is fine. =-) Honestly, I have really been trying my best to
> optimize the outcome for all of our users. I do fully believe at this
> point in the discussion that the majority of our userbase is best
> served by changing the default behavior here, and I want to be able to
> do so without burning community relations.
> My suspicion is that those of you that do make use of this, do so
> infrequently and would happily or maybe even usually run a system
> with:
> root at viper:~# cat /boot/loader.conf
> # Of course, this could instead be baked into your kernel config
> mac_read_dir_load="YES"
> root at viper:~# cat /etc/sysctl.conf
> security.mac.read_dir.jail_root=1
> # The following perhaps even turned off or commented out to serve just
> as a reminder, until you actually need it
> security.bsd.allow_read_dir=1
> My working assumption being that you don't often do this as any old
> unprivileged user, but might be doing so as jail root. Of course,
> `security.mac.read_dir.jail_root=1` might instead be
> `security.mac.read_dir.all_users=1` to fully follow the existing
> behavior.
> Thanks,
No. Thank *you*, Kyle. :-)
I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you
put into this -- both the semi-anticipated code, and perhaps more
significantly, the _social_ work that went into getting this concept into
a usable/functional state.

While I have only glossed over your diff, and therefore can't (yet)
reasonably evaluate it. Do you anticipate any impact/changes to overall

In closing; some of here have been hacking on this code since before Net/1,
and are fairly sensitive about some new-comer messing with our UNIX
heritage. I look back fondly remembering waiting for tubes to warm up, and
threading/spooling up tapes. I don't remember being too fond of having to
wait for someone elses job to finish, so I could use the damn thing. ;-)

Thanks again!

> Kyle Evans
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