[HEADSUP] Disallowing read() of a directory fd

Cy Schubert Cy.Schubert at cschubert.com
Fri May 15 21:24:38 UTC 2020

In message <CANCZdfoXnvUQNqOa6J7VcxrBpU7cP4MzXM=ip8t0wvJhE4PC2w at mail.gmail.c
, Warner Losh writes:
> On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 9:04 AM Julian H. Stacey <jhs at berklix.com> wrote:
> > kevans@ wasted FreeBSD time with threat of change at 2 days notice,
> > for an issue unchanged since 1972.  The rush was immature.
> >
> > kevans@ should retract his threat of forced urgent change, or expect
> > core@ be asked to remove his commit bit while FreeBSD considers
> > _un-rushed_,  allowing sufficient time for all to consider options,
> > & to warn users in RELNOTES of any potential future change.
> >
> Threats are not tolerated in this project. This hyperbolic response has
> gone on long enough. Please stop and treat your fellow committers with
> respect and a certain level of professionalism. He's done none of the
> nefarious things you've said (I've known about this changes for days if not
> weeks as he socialized it, for example). He doesn't deserve this level of
> grief over a proposal. It's a request for comments, not a request for abuse
> and nasty behaviour.
> This whole thread has gone toxic / hyperbolic over a non-issue. You should
> have stopped reading directories in 1983 when readdir was introduced
> because UFS broke ls, find, du, etc. At best, it's a nice debugging tool
> some folks don't want to lose. At worst, it causes bugs for programs that
> accidentally read directories (and maybe some, like grep, need some minor
> changes). It's not worth this much bile and venom.


Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at cschubert.com>
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	The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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