[HEADSUP] Disallowing read() of a directory fd

Cy Schubert Cy.Schubert at cschubert.com
Fri May 15 21:08:42 UTC 2020

In message <CACNAnaFDHMkConkBLY-2BMAudueDA8-HTJ5_FNpt4WrB=gg_HA at mail.gmail.c
, Kyle Evans writes:
> On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 3:30 PM Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at phk.freebsd.dk> wrote:
> >
> > --------
> > In message <CAOtMX2i2Z-KX=3rYR2nZ1g1Lb_tF==H3xPKcQMBxJs1Kqr-meQ at mail.gmail.
> com>
> > , Alan Somers writes:
> >
> > >Really?  When is that occasionally useful?  I've never seen anything usefu
> l
> > >come out of reading a directory.
> >
> > Two things I have done over the years:
> >
> > Figure out which filenames prevent a enormous but sparse directory
> > from being compacted.
> >
> > Figure out which control characters were in a filename.
> >
> Can we explore the possibility of using fsdb(8) to fulfill these needs
> in a way that you'd be comfortable with? I am thoroughly motivated and
> willing to do what I can to find a good path forward. We could add a

I'd like to see a good business case before a developer spends their 
valuable time to fulfill a some function few if any people might use. Those 
objecting to this should demonstrate how they currently use read()ing 
directories. Otherwise IMO it's a waste of your time.

> sysctl and remove the functionality from other filesystems that aren't
> necessarily providing useful information and likely haven't been
> audited for similar disclosures to
> https://www.freebsd.org/security/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-19:10.ufs.asc
> that may be exacerbated by read(2) on a dirfd, but I'd like to see if
> there's any compromise that we can make where the compromise on my
> side is that I have to put in the effort to otherwise enable presented
> valid use-cases in an agreeable manner.
> Is there anything that I, as a developer that knows very little about
> UFS and even less when compared to someone such as yourself, can do to
> facilitate making this as easy as possible with the tooling otherwise
> available?

Again, I fail to see the reason why. What purpose would read()ing a 
directory serve?

> Looking at fsdb(8) briefly on this UFS partition I just spun up, it
> seems as a somewhat low-hanging fruit that we could (in some/many
> cases) infer a disk device from a standard directory/file path and
> prompt for confirmation based on that, opening up to the proper inode,
> even, as an example (wording would differ, and apologies for the
> formatting):
> root at shiva:/mnt# stat etc
> 682 12928 drwxr-xr-x 2 root wheel 26456 512 "May 14 23:58:27 2020"
> "May 14 23:58:27 2020" "May 14 23:58:27 2020" "May 14 23:58:27 2020"
> 32768 8 0 etc
> root at shiva:/mnt# fsdb etc
> etc is not a disk device, but is mounted from /dev/md1. Use /dev/md1? [yn] y
> ** /dev/md1 (NO WRITE)
> Editing file system `/dev/md1'
> Last Mounted on /mnt
> current inode: directory
> I=12928 MODE=40755 SIZE=512
> BTIME=May 14 23:58:27 2020 [611088000 nsec]
> MTIME=May 14 23:58:27 2020 [614391000 nsec]
> CTIME=May 14 23:58:27 2020 [614391000 nsec]
> ATIME=May 14 23:58:27 2020 [614391000 nsec]
> OWNER=root GRP=wheel LINKCNT=2 FLAGS=0 BLKCNT=8 GEN=a15cce24
> fsdb (inum: 12928)> ls
> slot 0 off 0 ino 12928 reclen 12: directory, `.'
> slot 1 off 12 ino 2 reclen 500: directory, `..'
> fsdb (inum: 12928)>

A print in hex command possibly. Would make more sense than reading a 
directory in the raw.

Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at cschubert.com>
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	The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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