PicoBSD Build Scripts

Kyle Evans kevans at freebsd.org
Fri Sep 13 19:52:53 UTC 2019


A PR[0] has recently surfaced pertaining to the PicoBSD build scripts
(see: picobsd(8), ^/release/picobsd) and how they fail to produce
usable output by default. Some further investigation revealed that the
build script is actually pretty broken, and has to have been for at
least a couple of years... see comment #2 on the referenced PR.

Because of this and that it hasn't seen much active maintenance
(mostly drive-by mechanical changes, from what I can tell) for years,
I'd like to propose deprecation and removal of the PicoBSD build
scripts. The bits at ^/release/picobsd/tinyware can likely be moved to
the ^/tools hierarchy, as they might be independently useful.

Specifically, I propose a soft deadline of October 31st for removal;
if someone comes forward with patches or an interest in working on it,
nothing will be removed at this time. I further propose a hard
deadline of December 31st for removal without patches posted to
address the various issue. I'll happily review any patches that come
across my virtual desk.



Kyle Evans

[0] https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=240506

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