Importing mksh in base
Cy Schubert
Cy.Schubert at
Sun Jan 27 00:51:03 UTC 2019
In message <201901270019.x0R0JpF4096103 at>,
"Rodney W. Gri
mes" writes:
> > Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at> wrote:
> > > Interactively ksh93's command completion listing looks unconventional
> > > but it functions the same.
> > >
> > > However programmatically it's the standard. Large commercial vendors,
> > > like Oracle, still require ksh for its array handling among other
> > > things.
> >
> > pdksh (hence I assume mksh) has had array support for ages.
> > The only thing I ever found it useful for was cd history,
> > and I actually have an implementation of that for sh that does not need
> > arrays.
> >
> > > It has that advantage. For embedded this is an advantage. However if
> > > embedded is using ksh as a scripting language mksh and pdksh aren't
> >
> > As noted earlier I've used [pd]ksh as shell for 30 years.
> > I do *not* write ksh scripts (except for .kshrc etc ;-)
> >
> > The beauty of ksh as interactive shell is it's (mostly) compatability
> > with /bin/sh - which scripts should be written in.
> >
> > Now on some systems (HPUX springs to mind ;-) /bin/sh is so bad that
> > one has to use ksh to run scripts - but they are still sh scripts.
> Doesnt pdksh have a "sh" compatible mode iirc when you
> invoke it via a path of sh it behaves as a traditional
> bourne shell, also if IIRC Openbsd is doing just that,
> /bin/sh -> /bin/pdksh (hard link)
IIRC ksh had an option that allowed it to be built as /bin/sh but I
can't find the option any more. Maybe I was mistaken. The current ksh93
in ksh93-devel has bash support though.
Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at>
FreeBSD UNIX: <cy at> Web:
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