GNU-compatible, BSD-licensed bc

A. Wilcox AWilcox at
Mon Jan 7 22:25:48 UTC 2019

On 01/07/19 15:10, Conrad Meyer wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 11:46 AM Gavin Howard <gavin.d.howard at> wrote:
>> The non-important ones include the fact that I support *every* GNU
>> extension. That includes array references, void functions, the "halt"
>> keyword, etc.
>> My bc handles the Linux timeconst.bc script with aplomb from 0 to (at
>> least) 1000. It is part of my test suite, actually.
>> You can try it out by running the following command after building my
>> bc (where BC_ROOT is the root directory of my bc):
>> $ "$BC_ROOT/tests/bc/" /location/of/timeconst.bc
>> It won't have any output besides "Running timeconst.bc..." unless it
>> didn't pass the test.
>> Also, this bc builds out of the box on FreeBSD. I have already made
>> sure of that. Just use:
>> $ cd "$BC_ROOT"
>> $ ./ -O3
>> $ make
> Gavin,
> This all sounds great to me.  Consider me on-board with the idea.
> Thanks,
> Conrad

If it means anything, we're using it as our sole bc(1) implementation in
Adélie Linux.  No issues or complaints from here; it works flawlessly.


A. Wilcox (awilfox)
Open-source programmer (C, C++, more)

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