FCP-0101: Deprecating most 10/100 Ethernet drivers

A. Wilcox AWilcox at Wilcox-Tech.com
Thu Oct 4 04:03:57 UTC 2018

On 10/03/18 16:05, Brooks Davis wrote:
> We propose to deprecate devices which are not sufficiently popular.  This
> will entail:
>  - (October 2018) Send this list to freebsd-net and freebsd-stable.
>  - (Before FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE - October 2018) Update the manpages and
>    attach routines for each device to be removed and merge those changes
>    to FreeBSD 12.
>  - (One month after FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE - January 2019) Remind
>    freebsd-net and freebsd-stable users of pending deletion.
>  - (Two months after FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE - February 2019) Delete deprecated
>    devices.

[ ... ]

> For a device to be placed on
> the exception list the device must meet one of the following criteria:

[ ... ]

>  - Ported to use iflib (reducing future maintenance cost.)

So, does that mean that the window for porting to iflib is between now
and January?  Or would the driver need to be ported before the FCP is

Sorry, just wondering for clarification's sake, since I have a pcn and
rl hanging around and if I have any free time I could potentially look
at porting, if that'd help.


A. Wilcox (awilfox)
Open-source programmer (C, C++, Python)

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