ps output line length change

John Baldwin jhb at
Thu Feb 22 01:16:29 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 02:47:15 PM Cy Schubert wrote:
> Iirc cem@ committed the original patch. Maybe someone should ask him to revert.

Mike has.  This thread is to determine what the consensus is.

My preference is for the old behavior.

> ---
> Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
> Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
> Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
> Cy Schubert
> <Cy.Schubert at> or <cy at>
> The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
> ---
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Garance A Drosehn
> Sent: 21/02/2018 11:52
> To: Mike Karels
> Cc: arch at
> Subject: Re: ps output line length change
> On 16 Feb 2018, at 19:46, Mike Karels wrote:
> > A couple of weeks ago, I sent email on the committers list proposing
> > reversion of r314685 changing the output line length for ps.  In
> > particular, it uses unlimited line length if stdout is not a tty.
> > The previous code used the tty width if any of stdout, stderr, or
> > stdin was a tty.  The change in r314685 has not been shipped in
> > any release yet.
> >
> > The responses to that email all agreed with reversion.  However,
> > there has been some additional discussion in private email.
> > Therefore, I am sending this to arch at .
> I've lost track of how many times I've said this, but I'll say it
> one more:  I think the change should be reverted.  What the code
> currently does is fine, and is flexible enough.  I've written
> many scripts which parse the output of 'ps', and the historical
> behavior has never hampered me.  And I do write scripts which
> have to run on multiple unixes (in fact, most of my work is done
> on systems which are not running FreeBSD).

John Baldwin

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