pam_rhosts (was: Re: rtools were deemed almost unused 15 years ago...)

Cy Schubert Cy.Schubert at
Mon Oct 9 19:14:38 UTC 2017

In message <201710041035.v94AZ4JM095529 at>, "Julian H. 
" writes:
> > Have you picked up the recent changes to the code in your port?
> > 
> > ----- Jeremie Le Hen's Original Message -----
> > > I've slacked a bit but here we are:
> > >
> > >=20
> > > On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 12:08 PM, Jeremie Le Hen <jlh at> wrote:
> > > > On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 10:29 PM, Jeremie Le Hen <jlh at> wrot
> =
> > e:
> > > >> So the first step was to create a port with FreeBSD rcmds, here we
> > > >> are!  But I need some eyes to vet it:
> > > >>
> > > >
> > > > The port has been submitted and RCMDS are disabled by default from the
> > > > base system.
> > > >
> > > > See you in a month for the removal!
> NO ! It's maddening, code vandals periodicaly wanting to delete working code
> & pontificating what others globaly should be denied, & forced to do & not do
> .
> One example why FreeBSD should not delete rlogin & telnet etc
>   3 days ago, a host with broken sshd (bad shared libs version
>   number), was rescued by ssh to trusted parent host, then rlogin
>   from that parent host to underlying jail.
> 3rd party code vandals are Not fit to decide what code should be
> denied globaly in other peoples' environments. By all means leave off by
> default in /etc/inetd.conf as now, but do Not Vandal Delete !
> BSD is not Microsoft replete with masses of clueless users.  BSD
> includes skilled users who may wish to make their own risk assessments,
> without interference.

Ahh but there are masses clueless UNIX, Linux, and BSD users. I deal with 
these people on a daily basis at $JOB (to them it's %JOB). They're 
developers, mostly java developers but others too, who only understand 
Microsoft, and that just barely if even that. Worse is the approval they 
have for sudo privileges. It's scary. Protecting users from themselves is 
the right thing to do.

Part of the issue with rcmds is they don't support encryption, which is why 
MIT created kerberized versions of the same utilities. Removing rcmds 
solves half the problem. The other is rhosts, implemented by pam_rhosts. 
Why in the world do we still allow IP address based authentication? (I 
suppose it's OK on a local home network with one or two family members as 
users.) Seriously, rhosts is the major reason why rcmds is insecure.

It was pointed out that pam_rhosts is still used by sshd. I think that's 
asking for trouble. It's time to discard the rhosts baggage. It's insecure 
and why ssh keys were developed in the first place. rhosts should be 
deprecated and removed prior to 13.

P.S. This is one issue. There are two others I'd raise here but let's focus 
on this one first.

Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at>
FreeBSD UNIX:  <cy at>   Web:

	The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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