libfdt and dtc

Emmanuel Vadot manu at
Tue Jul 18 08:11:39 UTC 2017

On Mon, 17 Jul 2017 13:17:01 -0600
Sean Bruno <sbruno at> wrote:

> I noted that src.conf(8) seems to indicate that libfdt is installed by
> default on FreeBSD, but I see no evidence that its used outside of
> building sys/boot.
> Is there something I'm missing here or have we not switched something to
> install/build a userland version of libfdt?
> sean

 This is not what src.conf(5) indicate, WITHOUT_FDT is used to build
loader(8) without FDT support. But it says that when building with
WITH_FDT this will build dtc but this seems wrong.

 There was some discussion to install libfdt but I don't think we came
up with a conclusion other than "No userland tool uses it and if we add
tool to use it we should import it as a private lib".

Emmanuel Vadot <manu at> <manu at>

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