loader.efi architecture for replacing boot1.efi

Richard Perini rpp at ci.com.au
Sun Dec 17 00:46:50 UTC 2017

On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 10:07:37AM -0700, Warner Losh wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 8:31 AM, Eric McCorkle <eric at metricspace.net> wrote:
> > On 12/16/2017 00:49, Warner Losh wrote:
> >
> > > CD/DVD booing won't break. We'll still load a kernel from them. No
> > > boot.config needed for this case (though it might be for others).
> >
> > How is that possibly going to work for a liveDVD on a random system?
> > People expect it to "just work" (meaning, it correctly guesses the
> > kernel, then loads it).
> >
> > I can see it working with boot.config (which I'd be fine with), but if
> > we don't search the CD drives, there's no way it can work.
> And it will. It booted off the CD device, and will search the CD device
> (and only the CD device) for the kernel. It will find it there. How could
> that not work?
> >
> > >     But for now, loader.efi has got to work whether installed
> > >     in a boot1/loader (legacy) configuration, or installed directly to
> > the
> > >     ESP.  Otherwise, there's going to be a lot of unhappy people out
> > there.
> > >
> > > Correct. My proposed behavior will do just that, and if we get it wrong
> > > by default (a) you can be explicit with boot variables or (b) you can
> > > type something into the OK prompt, which you didn't have before.
> >
> > No, I'm talking about people with existing installations, which still
> > have both boot1 and loader.efi.  A change this big needs to be phased in
> > over time, which means both modes of operation need to be supported for
> > a while.
> Unless they have a totally whacked out system, the proposed thing that I'm
> suggesting will just work for them.
> If they are booting with multiple disks where /boot/loader comes from a
> different disk than the boot disk, they will have to do something to
> configure it. The number of such people is likely zero given how fragile
> this setup is (it breaks when you plug in a thumb drive with a release on
> it, for example).
> >     As for the fallback search, it's just that: a fallback mechanism.  Its
> > >     job is to make a sane guess as to where to find the system, but
> > >     ultimately it's not doing anything the user can't do themselves.
> > And it
> > >     will only run if the EFI vars aren't set anyway, so it can't possibly
> > >     interfere with any of that.
> > >
> > >
> > > And the fallback mechanism of typing what you want is wrong because?
> >
> > Because every single person out there with an install is going to
> > suddenly have to type, and that's going to lead to a whole bunch of
> > people saying we broke loader.
> I maintain no such people will have to do that. The UEFI BIOS is required
> to set BootCurrent and BootXXXX. However, even in the absence of this,
> we'll look for a ZFS pool (and disks) or UFS partition on the same disk.
> This should generally work by default.
> > > But it's job isn't to guess. If we don't know for sure what to boot, it's
> > > our job to fail so the next OS in the list gets a shot at booting.
> >
> > That won't happen though.  If loader fails to find an installed system,
> > it drops out to a prompt, but it doesn't exit.  Given that, it makes
> > sense to make an effort at finding an installed system.
> >
> No. It doesn't. You're assuming that if we fail, the system won't boot.
> That's false. If we fail to boot device X, it's our job to fail so that if
> there's a Y or a Z it can be next. We have no knowledge of whether the user
> would prefer Y or Z as the next one to try, but the boot manager that runs
> inside every single UEFI firmware does and it will go to the next one. Y
> might be a recovery disk or copy of a freebsd memory stick release and Z
> might be a redundant copy of X to use in cases where X fails. Or vice
> versa. Do we want to boot to the installer? Not as a first choice, but
> maybe as a last resort. But we should let UEFI orchestrate the retries.
> Trying to second guess is fundamentally wrong, especially in UEFI where the
> boot order and boot recovery stuff is so extensively and particularly
> defined. Having fought the "oh, I'm going to guess" code in boot1.efi for
> over a year and after having it consistently pick the wrong thing to boot
> on some tiny fraction of the hundreds of systems I've had deployed give me
> strong empirical data that shows the guessing too hard bit is actually
> actively harmful. I've thought about this a lot. I've thought through all
> the supported scenarios. I've written up documents and solicited feedback.
> Nobody to date has said "oh no! I really want the random installed system
> roulette! I love it! Don't kill it."
> Warner
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To add support to Warner, as an administrator of 50+ FreeBSD systems on
a variety of hardware and disk configs, I totally support Warner's arguments.
Having the loader trying to guess in the case of unusual setups when it
can't find a kernel __on the same device as the loader__ causes grief.  If 
you want to have your thing boot that way, then configure it to do so, or 
present a menu of boot options.  

Richard Perini  
Ramico Australia Pty Ltd   Sydney, Australia   rpp at ci.com.au  +61 2 9552 5500
"The difference between theory and practice is that in theory there is no
 difference, but in practice there is"

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