metalog -> makefs is broken again in -HEAD
Adrian Chadd
adrian at
Fri Aug 19 21:27:40 UTC 2016
ok, so here's the hilarity.
We don't really have tools for consistently manipulating
metalog/manifest files. So, in order to do things like
add/delete/modify things in the manifest file, we need to do some ..
So that's what does. It takes in the metalog file and does a
replace or append. It currently doesn't have a "delete" method.
the .tmp file is "the extra files that we add /after/ the system
installs". Ie, it's the customisations done. It goes through
and then the resultant metalog file has the complete thing that's
going into the image.
When I get around to adding package support for mips (not mips_ap)
then it'll also have a second intermediary metalog file that has the
combination of all of the package installs, so makefs knows what to
Ok, so for metalog versus manifest. I remember doing it one way and
then brooks saying "Don't do that, here's the bugs". I'll have to go
over that and see.
On 19 August 2016 at 13:34, Sean Bruno <sbruno at> wrote:
> On 08/19/16 14:19, Sean Bruno wrote:
>>>> Hrm ... I added a "ls -ld" to the script immediately preceding the
>>>> install directive, it appears to be there.
>>>> + INSTALL_PROG='install -U -M
>>>> /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp -D
>>>> /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta'
>>>> + echo '*** Deleting old file system..'
>>>> *** Deleting old file system..
>>>> + ls -ld /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp
>>>> -rw-r--r-- 1 sbruno sbruno 203 Aug 19 13:45
>>>> /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp
>>>> + install -U -M /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp
>>>> -D /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta -d
>>>> /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta
>>> There seems to be no error now?
>> Yeah, this looks like a error in the scripts. Cleaned and removed the
>> mfsroot dir, and the "ls -ld" and the install error appear to be in
>> correspondence.
>> + INSTALL_PROG='install -U -M
>> /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp -D
>> /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta'
>> + echo '*** Deleting old file system..'
>> *** Deleting old file system..
>> + ls -ld /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp
>> ls: /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp: No such
>> file or directory
>> + install -U -M /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp
>> -D /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta -d
>> /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta
>> install: open /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp:
>> No such file or directory
>> + chflags -R noschg /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta
>> + rm -rf /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta
>> + rm -rf /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../tmp/malta
>> + echo '*** Creating new filesystem...'
> adrian:
> Hmmm ... what should the METALOG.malta.tmp file contain at this point,
> it looks like only a fewlines once its created, which doesn't happen at
> this point.
> ./etc//fstab type=file uname=root gname=wheel mode=0644 size=23
> ./etc//rc.conf type=file uname=root gname=wheel mode=0644 size=68
> ./etc/rc.d//autosize type=file uname=root gname=wheel mode=0755 size=653
> . type=dir mode=0755
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