metalog -> makefs is broken again in -HEAD

Sean Bruno sbruno at
Fri Aug 19 20:11:42 UTC 2016

>> --- full script output ---
>> + X_BASEDIR=../freebsd-wifi-build/build/bin/../
>> + INSTALL_PROG='install -U -M
>> /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp -D
>> /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta'
>> + echo '*** Deleting old file system..'
>> *** Deleting old file system..
>> + install -U -M /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp
>> -D /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta -d
>> /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta
>> install: open /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp:
>> No such file or directory
> My guess is that at this point in the install the directory for
> METALOG.malta.tmp is likely missing and not created yet.  In the failing
> command -d is being used to create mfsroot/malta.  -d creates parents,
> so perhaps mfsroot/ is not present yet either.

Hrm ... I added a "ls -ld" to the script immediately preceding the
install directive, it appears to be there.

+ INSTALL_PROG='install -U -M
/home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp -D
+ echo '*** Deleting old file system..'
*** Deleting old file system..
+ ls -ld /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp
-rw-r--r--  1 sbruno  sbruno  203 Aug 19 13:45
+ install -U -M /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp
-D /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta -d
+ chflags -R noschg /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta
+ rm -rf /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta
+ rm -rf /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../tmp/malta
+ echo '*** Creating new filesystem...'
*** Creating new filesystem...
+ mkdir -p /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta
+ mkdir -p /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../tmp/malta
+ rsync -arH /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../root/mips/
+ echo '/dev/ada0 / ufs rw 1 1'
+ install -U -M /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp
-D /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta -m 644 -o root -g wheel
+ echo 'autosize_enable="YES"'
+ echo 'autosize_rootfs="/dev/ada0"'
+ echo 'sshd_enable="YES"'
+ install -U -M /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp
-D /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta -m 644 -o root -g wheel
+ install -U -M /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/METALOG.malta.tmp
-D /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta -m 755 -o root -g wheel
+ ../freebsd-wifi-build/build/bin/
+ echo '**** Done.'
**** Done.
*** Target Done.
*** Target              : fullfsimage
*** Running makefs to build image ..
*** from /home/sbruno/bsd/fbsd_head/../mfsroot/malta ..
makefs: ./usr/local/bin: missing directory in specification
makefs: failed at line 26660 of the specification

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